Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Strive for.....

Everyday I try to eat the following:

4 lean proteins (fish, lean poultry, lean meat, low-fat dairy--with some exceptions later, eggs, beans & legumes, & whey protein)

3 vegetables

2 fruits

2 whole grains

1 fat (1 serving equals 2 Tb oil, nut butters, or nuts or seeds, 1/4 avocado.)


That's actually a lot of food. At first it requires a bit of planning, but it gets easier. And there are so many varieties. Don't forget to enjoy 2 "dirty" meals on the weekend (perfect for Mom's casseroles, eating out, creamy comfort food, and holiday favorites!)
Make yourself a little checklist for the day, so you can remember to fit them all in. I promise you won't be hungry!!
Start slow, don't get overwhelmed. Slowly add these in if you need to. Once you start eating "clean" your body will crave these foods. And when you eat clean everyday, you will notice a difference when you eat crappy fake foods, it's so crazy.
Seriously, no wonder this world is full of cancers, weird diseases, attention deficit disorders, and obesity. This is the way we are supposed to eat. Back to basics everyone, back to basics. Watch the video on my side bar if you haven't already.


laura said...

great new blog jamie! i love this kind of stuff. are you ever going to post specifics of what you "ate that day"? i'm curious. hope you are doing well! xoxo

Jamie said...

yes, I will, i write down what I eat everyday. So, maybe I'll do that!!

Brittney said...

I like the WATER WATER WATER :) You could make checkboxes for cups of water too on your nutrition sheet. I started eating a lot more healthily about 4 yrs ago and the first goal I started with was drinking 64 oz. of water a day. I think it's a great place for people to start. Once you have that down, then make another goal.

Also, have you seen sparkpeople.com? That's where I started. I LOVE their nutrition tracker. I learned so much about what I was eating and what I should've been eating and not eating.

Love this new blog Jame!

thewestenskows.blogspot.com said...

This new blog is very cool! I definitely have some baby weight that I need to work on! This very motivational in helping me eat better and become more healthy! I like your healthy recipes you have posted.. keep posting them. I'm always at a loss for what to make that is healthy. I really really like this!